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Today is February 23, 2025

We have 1 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Collier, FL


location-map Collier , FL | (601) 207 4017

Accepting New Clients

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From 0 Reviews

Licence Information:

SW14110 | Florida

location-map Collier , FL | (571) 200 4516

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Tammy is a client-centered and emotion-focused counseling professional welcoming older children, teens and adults with transition concerns, life changes, eating disorders, mood disorders, problems with self-esteem and other maladaptive coping skills. Through therapy, Tammy helps clients identify their strengths and empowers them to regulate negative thoughts and behaviors. Thoughts, feelings and behaviors are all intertwined, which is why she will work with you to understand their origination change your thinking. Managing thoughts, emotions and behaviors is the key to important positive change. Tammy has 25+ years experience in school and community mental health counseling, eating disorder counseling, personal training and nutrition coaching. With two masters degrees in counseling and educational supervision, she is pursuing a PsyD in Clinical Psychology as well as the CEDS credential (Certified Eating Disorder Specialist) recognized by the IAEDP. Our comprehensive services address underlying trauma and core issues for long-term recovery. Our caring team-based approach specializes in eating disorders, addictions and identity/transgender needs. We offer intensive outpatient services specialized to the needs of the client and their family. We are the step down from IOP and PHP or Residential facilities.